What Is Passive Income And How To Start Making Money - Legit Internet Income

Side Hustles From Home

What Is Passive Income?

Passive income is money you make without actually physically doing the work. This is income earned  in a way that requires very little  effort and time from you to maintain.It also continues to earn money for you over and over again. Some passive income includes, money earn from renting, interest income, affiliate income.  

Best Passive Income Ideas

Start a Blog Or Start A YouTube Channel

If you have a  idea or know how to do anything, you could create a blog or a YouTube tutorial. For example, if you can bake. Create a blog about baking. If you can sew, create a blog or a YouTube Channel. You could then sign up for google adsense. Google will pay you to advertise on your blog. You could also monetize your YouTube Channel. YouTube will pay you for putting out content that people like. The secret is to get people to visit your blog or YouTube Channel. Learn more about YouTube

Peer-to-Peer Lending

Peer-to-peer lending websites are a good way to earn passive income. This is where you can lend as little as $50 towards a project and can expect to receive between 6-20% interest return. What are you waiting or for, start your research to see which peer to peer lender offers the best return.

Rent Your Spare Bedroom

Does your home or apartment have a spare bedroom? If so, you could rent it on Airbnb and earn  passive income. Airbnb is a popular alternative to regular hotels. Many people traveling these days are using Airbnb as a less expensive way to vacation. My friend Melissa makes an average of $1,200 per month from renting on Airbnb. So, what are you waiting for? Clean up that room and rent it. 

There a lot of different passive income sources out there. The best way to know which ones will fit you is to do your research. Research 3 to 5 different passive income sources and start to explore. Learn more about passive income.

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